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Mary’s Blog

Mary’s Blog2024-06-10T18:21:47-07:00

CMM 132 Innovating Web3 Marketing to Bring People Together with Joeri Billast

Wednesday Impact & Innovation Wednesday Impact & Innovation: Joeri Billast shares how he innovates Web3 to make an impact on other like-minded people to bring them together and create a community. Resources discussed with this guest: Web3 [...]

CMM 131 The Mindset of Jumping to the Next Exciting Thing with Joeri Billast

Monday Mindset Mindset Shifts: Joeri Billast shares the mindset shifts that occurred when he jumped from his initial work in business analytics to getting involved in social media marketing, and finally, towards Web3 marketing. Resources discussed with this guest: [...]

CMM 130 How Active Listening Creates the Most Successful Strategy and Tactics with Peter Lisoskie

Friday Strategy & Tactics Friday Strategy & Tactics: If you don’t know what your customers want exactly, listen to what they don’t want, and you’re halfway to implementing a successful strategy, according to Peter Lisoskie of iProelio.

CMM 129 How to Use Your Curiosity to Fuel Your Innovation with Peter Lisoskie

Wednesday Impact & Innovation Wednesday Impact & Innovation: Curiosity is at the heart of all innovation, because without it we are simply imitating what others have done before us, and Peter Lisoskie shares how he has used curiosity to innovate several times in his [...]

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