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Mary’s Blog

Mary’s Blog2024-06-10T18:21:47-07:00

CMM 114 How to Innovate Your Marketing Using Your Commitment with Karen Hite

Wednesday Impact & Innovation Wednesday Impact & Innovation: Karen shares how commitment can impact and innovate your life and work, because today you might be a digital marketer, but tomorrow you don’t know what you’ll be doing. Focus on your commitment, and your future [...]

CMM 113 The Mindset of a True Community Mastermind with Karen Hite

Monday Mindset Mindset Shifts: Karen Hite shares the mindset she shares with her husband and their mastermind community, and how the members and leaders all learn and grow together, and how you can use this concept to grow yourself. Resources [...]

CMM 112 How to Turn Your Goals Into Plans, and Successfully Become Location Independent with Roy Meyer

Friday Strategy & Tactics Friday Strategy & Tactics: Roy shares the clarity and strategy necessary to take these exact steps toward location independence success. They are not easy, but they are simple.

CMM 111 How to Innovate Outsourcing and Truly be Location Independent with Roy Meyer

Wednesday Impact & Innovation Wednesday Impact & Innovation: Roy uncovers how outsourcing and AI can help you build a lucrative foundation for success in business. He shares the crucial steps to outsourcing wisely.

CMM 110 The Mindset to Sell Everything, Travel Full Time With Children, and Succeed as an Entrepreneur with Roy Meyer

Monday Mindset Mindset Shifts: Roy Meyer shares his experience, and knowledge about traveling with children, and growing a successful business for the past 6 years. His kids were 10 and 8 years old when he started, and his son is now graduating High School [...]

CMM 109 How Taking an Audit and Emotional Inventory Creates the Path to Success

Friday Strategy & Tactics Friday Strategy & Tactics: Vin Infante uncovers the tools to ensuring your success matters, and how you can do an emotional inventory to lead the way. Resources discussed with this guest: Download a [...]

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