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Mary’s Blog

Mary’s Blog2024-06-10T18:21:47-07:00

CMM120 How Curiosity and Patterns are the Core of Innovation of Community

Wednesday Impact & Innovation Wednesday Impact & Innovation: Mark Schaefer shares his use of curiosity to continue innovating community development and interaction. Community is the new marketing success for any brand, so listen up! Resources discussed with this guest: [...]

CMM 119 The 3 Mindset Shifts That Led to the 24 Successful Revenue Streams of Mark Schaefer

Monday Mindset Mindset Shifts: Mark Schaefer shares how a class where he was required to share his feelings, the RISE community and Peter Drucker shifted his mindset enough to help him create 24 different successful revenue streams. Resources discussed [...]

CMM 118 How to Craft the Perfect Offer for Those You Impact, not Just Yourself

Friday Strategy & Tactics Friday Strategy & Tactics: Heather shares her extensive marketing and sales experience to help us craft the perfect offer and make the impact that will help us change the world for those we serve.

CMM 115 How to Build a True Legacy for Yourself and Your Clients with Karen Hite

Friday Strategy & Tactics Friday Strategy & Tactics: Every business has milestones that mark their incremental success, and one of those is making a million dollars. Karen shares how she and her Master Hackers get there and beyond to true legacy business growth. [...]

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