Whatever you do, don’t call him a “Writer!”
He is a thief, and a damn good one.
He is the only thief I know (all the others have not revealed themselves to me as thieves, or at least I haven’t tied them to anything missing yet).
He steals the stories of lives, and tells them amazingly well.
He is a Storyteller, and I would love for you to meet him.
Caleb Pirtle III
The picture to the left is quite misleading, because it looks as if this guy is retired, his only job now might be rocking on the porch or fishing. Actually, he is one of the most prolific, engaging writers of blogs and books in my Tribe.
Caleb researches, writes and publishes blog posts daily – sometimes two or three a day – and somehow finds time to also write and publish fiction. I love his writing style, and never stop reading one of his posts once I start, no matter the length. In a time when lack of time is the driving force, his posts are a relaxation and a discovery all at once. He always hooks me…always, and I stay to the end and often comment, because he also touches some emotion that makes me want to share. How could you stop reading a post entitled The Secret of a Long Marriage with the line…. “It’s simple,” he said. “Me and my wife don’t play volleyball.”
Caleb’s style is direct, and he hooks his readers with amazingly engaging sentences like, “He knew where the dirt lay and owned the shovel to dig it up” or, “Henrietta Lacks died in anonymity. Her cells were going viral……The men and women in the white coats became famous. The men and women in the gray flannel suits became rich” or, “Life is a cruel and terrible author. But life doesn’t write the final chapter.”
I could go on and on, but that would rob you of the discoveries that await.
All of my favorite posts have an “aha” moment – Caleb is very good at creating these, and needs very few words to catch me.
So, I invite you to sit back and read some stories. Start here, and just click on a title that sounds interesting. Before you know it, you will be looking at the clock and cursing. It’s not his fault you missed that appointment, because you were so engrossed in an amazing tale. I know, I once forgot to pick up my youngest from school for that very same reason…..oops, did I just type that?!
Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mom