I woke up today.
Today is my birthday.
Today is another day with no mistakes…yet.
Today’s mistakes will certainly lead to tomorrow’s wisdom.
I hope I wake up tomorrow to apply one, and learn from the other…again.

Today, I appreciate breathing.
Breathing leads to laughing, and I absolutely LOVE laughing!
The laughter of my kids is the best.
When they make me laugh with an inside joke, I can’t believe how lucky I was to wake up.

The sunshine, fog, heat, rain and snow are all welcome when I wake up.
I woke up to sun, then walked the dogs today.
I woke up, and was thankful for the amazing man who has been waking up by my side for 30 years.
Flaws and all, I’m glad he puts up with mine too.
I’m glad I know the difference between annoying flaws and downright dangerous ones, and hope the same for you!

I woke up today, and finished my 50th year of waking up.
Here’s to year 51…may I wake up to greet every day of it.

Thanks for sharing the days with me, and here’s to waking up tomorrow.
See you then.

Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mom