I am lucky enough to have a partner who loves yard work.

Unfortunately that wonderful, incredibly patient man is also a Tax Man, and is incognito until April 15, but the weeds don’t know that.  So, every spring, the boys and I start the yearly clean-up of our yard.  It’s the least we can do since he works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.  I dread the chore at first, but as I get into a rhythm, it’s wonderfully satisfying and cathartic.  Am I that messed up that I find writing material amongst the weeds?! 

After a full day of weeding, my hands represent my future 80 year old self, and my back complains louder than my hands……now on to the laundry with a head cleared of weeds just like the yard.

What are your chore comparisons?

Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mom