I just love it when life takes me away from writing, and gives me more experiences from which to draw inspiration!

Thank you for continuing to visit, and I’m sorry I haven’t been my usual verbose self of late.  I’ll be back at it very soon…life got in the way.  That happens quite frequently when both kids graduate to the next level school, and the teenager just got his first phone – an iPhone 4S – and the pre-teen just got a new bike.  These new freedoms make for great learning (and teaching) experiences, don’tcha know!

Lots of life happening for my next book…stay tuned parents.  If anyone of you have pre-teens getting ready for Middle School, you’ll want to keep an eye out here for more details.  Believe me…you’ll need it if this is your first to go to The Fun House!


Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mom