Today was a day for friends.

My son’s friends, and mine.

I got to help some friends determine, and act on the direction and focus of their amazing business.

I also got to see and smell a beautiful baby.

Baby smell is the best. I wish I could bottle it, and every time I thought I wanted a baby, I’d just open a bottle of baby scent, and get over it.

My son had his AP Economics class study group over to film his project.

This was fun, and loud.

See, Linus (the black Aussie in the photo) likes to alert us whenever anyone comes near the house, and doubles his efforts when someone actually tries to enter it.

We have hard wood floors throughout our small house, so his deep bark becomes cringe-worthy.

Five high school seniors came to the door, and five commands of sit and down were ignored until they were enforced.

Seven hours later, the process was repeated in reverse. Practice makes perfect, and we’ve been practicing this for the five years Linus has lived.

His barks quickly turned into butt-wiggles as he got lots of pets from friends.

The friends were loud, too.

There were lots of deep voices talking about video games, economics and The Wiggles…not the butt-wiggles, the children’s singing group.

“Graph Salad”, the video they were making, was a parody of “Fruit Salad” by The Wiggles.

I’m still humming the song, and probably will be for the next week.

Tomorrow I get to record the guys singing the song, edit the audio and video, and produce the final video for them.

I remember that song from a decade ago when we saw the original Wiggles themselves in concert.

No one tells you that you trade in your Elton John concert tickets for Wiggles concert tickets when you become a parent.

It’s okay.  Some fans just suck on bottles, and wear diapers…

I guess The Wiggles and Elton John concerts aren’t that different after all.

Anyway, I uncovered something great about myself today.

You see, my nature when I was younger was to control. I still slip into that particular insecurity often, but today I didn’t.

With my friends, I advised, and participated in their dreams and vision.

With my son’s friends, I listened, and gave advice when asked.

I observed.

In the past, I would have taken the lead with my son’s project, or any project like it.

I would have directed, and choreographed.

But, I didn’t.

I typed away on my computer, and listened to them choreograph themselves.

Little brother was the videographer, and fit right in with the big guys.

You know what?  I was at peace being an observer.

I didn’t even feel the need to control, or choreograph, or supervise.

I just bought pizza, Pepsi and chips, and everyone was happy.

​​It might have taken them longer to get a result, but they got their own result through their own collaboration, and I heard lots of, “That sounds great!” and “I’m proud of that one!” and “That’s a great idea!”

I heard lots of those same comments among my own friends this morning, too.

I am so honored, and humbled to be a part of the lives of these wonderful people.

Giving really is much more fun and rewarding than receiving.

Even it’s just giving teenagers pizza.

They are nice boys. I get lots of, “Thanks Mrs. Johnson.”

Friends and collaboration…can’t get much better for a mom.

Day 6 of my promise:

  • 20 push ups
  • 50 squats
  • Come ti Chiami? – What’s your name?
  • I wrote an automated email sequence for Gluten Free recipe newsletter subscribers, and BTT (

When was the last time you collaborated with friends?

What was the result?

Please share!