We entrepreneurs, as a general group, are pretty ego driven.

Without that drive, most successful business that have actually changed the world would not have been started, let alone grown and thrived.

In 2016, however, the entrepreneurial climate is changing as rapidly as the weather on Mt. Everest.

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as follows:
Entrepreneur: a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
A business can be almost anything these days. You could open a shop selling any kind of product either in person, or online. You could hang out a shingle selling your services either in person, or online. You could do any combination of those two. You could sell digital products (courses, ebooks, workbooks, etc.).

If an entrepreneur starts off with a specific vision of her/his business, and the solution being presented to potential customers, that vision is very hard to change or adapt to the changing business climate.

Ego gets in the way of adaptation many times, and could lead to the failure of that business.

My current vision of one my current businesses was to sell digital products, and mentoring packages.

The mentoring packages have been successful, but the digital products have not.

If given my choice, I automatically do the work, and at the same time, advise other entrepreneurs on the growth of their businesses.

What I mean by that is that I love interviewing people for my podcasts, writing articles on topics that interest me, editing those articles, using photoshop to produce consistent images for a brand, monitoring and updating websites, and contributing to the congruent passions of other entrepreneurs.

Once I opened up my options, and took the ego out of entrepreneurship, clients with similar passions and world changing ideas found me.

I love my life, and I’m so optimistic for the coming year.

Day 8 of my promise:

  • 40 minutes of PiYo (OUCH!)
  • 2 mile walk with the dogs and my honey
  • Mi scusi – Excuse me.
  • Updating a client’s online courses to a new platform
  • Creating a new automated email sequence

Is there anything you are currently doing that feels like a struggle?

If so, let go of your ego around it. Change your mindset. Recognize the abundance in your life.

Things will change, my friend.  They will get easier.
