2013 is the culmination of my 50th year of life.  All my over 50 Pixel Pals are nodding their heads saying, “Been there, Done that.”  Of course, they know I’m only half way through this journey, and can understand my taking stock to see what’s coming around the bend.

I, like all others before me, am feeling the clock ticking faster, and am responding with trying to do more by this mid-century mark.  So, here is my 05 by 50 list for your reading and laughing pleasure.

  1. Go Skydiving
  2. Appreciate my curves enough so that I can walk on a beach in a bathing suit without sucking in my stomach
  3. Chop off my long hair and donate it  (DONE!)
  4. Finish one of my novels
  5. Pay my monthly mortgage from writing


I’ll keep you posted as time goes by.  I have until September 2013 to do these five things!

Here’s to the next 50 years!

What did you do, or will you do by the time you turn 50?

Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mom