Relaxing in bed to the sounds of my husband in the kitchen making the omelet I taught him to make last night, a smile spread across my face.  The kitty jumped up to join me, settling on my chest, gently kneading my shoulder, while rubbing her forehead into my chin, purring and getting pets.  Sigh…peace and contentment.

My shadow, aka Seren jumped up, settling at my feet and started digesting her breakfast.  The second dog, Linus jumped up, and immediately started barking at, and playing with Seren.  The cat, digging her claws in, leaped out of harm’s way.  The red droplets forming on my chest reminded me of the roses that were arranged in a vase on my island countertop.  My youngest son, singing, “Happy Mother’s Day Mom,” carefully made his way into the room, monitoring the coffee cup in his hand with “L’amo” written in chalk across its face.  As my youngest, putting my coffee on the nightstand, climbed into bed with me to snuggle, my oldest son ran into the room, screaming, “Happy Mother’s Day!” jumping on top of my youngest.  Linus attacked both of them, added his barking and growling to the screaming and giggling.  I was reduced to a 2′ x 3′ corner of my queen size bed, covering my ears.

My husband’s voice was distantly heard yelling, “What’s going on here?  It’s Mother’s Day, ya know?!”

The screaming abruptly halted, with a few barks and giggles mutinously escaping.  My youngest, entangled in his brother’s arms and legs, turned to me and said, “Sadly, Mom, Mother’s Day coincides with Pestilence Day.”  (On my honor, word for word!)

Happy Pestilence Day!

Mary Kathryn Johnson
Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Mom